2Shell Communications (2SHELL) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
$Revision: 1.7 $
Mar 20, 2003
This document is subject to periodic and continuing revisions.
We expect each customer (USER) to consult this page periodically
to stay informed about 2SHELL's usage policies.
If you have comments or questions please email them to
We expect our USERs to act like responsible
netizens (internet citizens). This means...
- do not abuse the community (i.e. don't do anything
that can harm us or others)
- respecting our property and that of other users anywhere on the Internet
- don't abuse our service, or our provider's service
- don't hog resources
(such as CPU or
on/from our resources
Not acting like a responsible netizen and/or any of the following
activities (forbidden on our resources) makes a USER subject to
USER Termination:
- Abuse of the community
- You may not use your account, or involve your account in any way,
for a purpose that causes abuse of the Internet community or any
portion of it even if the abuse does not originate from your account at
2SHELL. There are kinds of Internet uses that are generally recognized as
abusive. Remember that on the Internet you are dealing with a community
of individuals, and you should interact with them, much as in other areas
of society, either as individuals or as specific groups of individuals in
which you have a participatory interest. Any attempt to treat any part of
this community as a target is almost certainly abuse. Such abuse includes
(but is not limited to):
- Sharing of accounts
- shell accounts are intended for use by a single person or a single
family. Accounts may not be shared with other users. An account may be
accessed via multiple ssh sessions at the same time, however, more than
4 is considered unnecessary. If is permissible to run 'X' terminals
and display back to your desktop. Please do not leave them idle for
long periods of time.
- Harassment
- including abusive email, unwanted email, or other forms of harassment.
- Forgery
- including representing yourself as another person or network entity.
- Unsolicited and unwanted correspondence
- Any email or other direct correspondence to any recipient where such
correspondence is unsolicited, targeted to the recipient without their
request, and so forth. This includes but is not limited to bulk email.
- Risk to the community
- When you are connected to the Internet you must take adequate steps to
ensure that you are not presenting a risk to the community. Even though
you yourself may not be directly abusing the community, you must prevent
potential abusers from using your facilities in abusive ways. Such
prevention includes (but is not necessarily limited to):
- Security attack participation
- You must also ensure that any facilities connected to the Internet can
not be used as an agent in denial of service attacks, or as agents in
any other kinds of security attack.
- Inappropriate use of USENET newsgroups
- There can be various kinds of abuse of newsgroups, many of which derive
from a failure to understand the nature of communication that takes
place in newsgroups. In general, each newsgroup exists primarily for the
community of participants in that newsgroups and for the topic covered by
that newsgroup. Before posting to any newsgroups you should familiarize
yourself with the nature of USENET news. Before posting to a specific
newsgroup you should read that group for a period of weeks in order to
study the community before participating in it. That community shall
not be targeted for any purpose that conflicts with the newsgroup's
purpose. This includes:
- Off-topic postings and trolling
- It is 'off-topic' to use a newsgroup for discussions that are not part of
that newsgroup's charter. Trolling is the posting of a message or messages
merely to cause conflict in that newsgroup. i.e., trolling for a reaction.
- Moderation
- You may not interfere with the moderation of a moderated newsgroup.
- Operation of the news
- You may not interfere with the proper operation of the news system. This
includes moderated newsgroup as mentioned above, but also generation or
interception of control messages or any other operational mechanism.
- Tampering with service
- You may not attempt to interfere with any service provided by 2SHELL or
any other portion of the Internet.
- Unauthorized access
- You may not attempt to access any systems or portions of systems to which
you are not authorized, files you do not own, or programs that are not
user programs, whether those items are at 2SHELL or elsewhere on the net.
- Denial of service
- Including denial of service directly or indirectly caused by your action
whether or not that action occurred as part of your account at 2SHELL
Bulk E-Mail and SPAMMING
It is not permissible for our USERs to engage in any bulk E-mailing
or use of any mail servers or mail relays (commonly referred to as
"SPAMMING"). It is also not permissible for our USERS to post a
message to an excessive number of newsgroups. On the face of it
one can not both appropriately participate in a newsgroup community
and post SPAM, since you would not legitimately engage a large number
of communities with your message.
Forwarding 10
unsolicited pieces of mail within a 24 hour period shall be considered
"spamming". USER shall be liable to 2SHELL for any and all damages
caused as a result of USER'S failure to comply with this provision.
CPU Usage
USER agrees that it shall not use excessive amounts of CPU processing
on any of 2SHELL'S servers.
See also Cooperative CPU projects
Bandwidth Usage
2SHELL has a finite amount of bandwidth and expects its USERs to
conserve bandwidth. This means limiting usage of it to small amounts
and/or to off-peak times.
Cooperative CPU Projects
Any of a class of processes of a distributed nature such as:
- Seti@Home
- Genome@Home
- Folding@Home
- RC5
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Running Servers
Users running a server (background process that opens and listens on
IP port(s) or socket(s)) is not allowed. It is a potential security
problem for 2SHELL and its customers. 2Shell does run some servers
for all to take advantage of (may be for a fee), such as:
If there is a server (background process) that you would
like to have running, request it by sending email to: webmaster@2shell.net